Surrey County Council Cabinet Member visits de Stafford School |
- Published: Wednesday, 23 November 2011 18:22
On Thursday 17th November, Councillor Tim Hall, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning for Surrey County Council, spent the morning visiting the staff and students of de Stafford School in Caterham. As part of his role within the council, Cllr Hall is visiting all 400 schools in Surrey, including the primary, infant, secondary and special schools. After a meeting with headteacher Miss Caroline Longhurst, Cllr Hall was taken on a tour of the school, then participated in a question and answer session with 15 students. He asked the students what they particularly liked about de Stafford and the students' answers included the art department, the clubs, the unique size of the school and the growing profile of the school in the local community. They also said they felt the teachers at de Stafford worked really hard to teach good lessons and make them feel like individuals. When asked what he thought of the school Cllr Hall said that he felt it was a great place with a lovely community feel to it. However the buildings needed some work, especially that 'dreaded canteen'! After Cllr Hall's visit, Miss Longhurst said: "The visit was a real success and we look forward to working with Cllr Tim Hall to develop the school and ensure we continue to be the school of choice for the young people of Caterham." |