Who wants to be a volunteer? |
- Published: Wednesday, 23 November 2011 16:22
I recently took over from Marion Piggott as the manager of Caterham Volunteer Centre and although I have inherited a database, not a chest of drawers, each day brings me into contact with new volunteers and representatives of organisations who want to harness those volunteers. I'm looking forward to getting better acquainted with all the contents of my treasure chest and creating a three dimensional tapestry making best use of the talents, time and skills of the volunteers and searching out new and exciting opportunities for them to try. I am really excited by the challenge and am looking forward to playing an active and fulfilling role in the Caterham community. For information about volunteering opportunities please ring me, Rosemary Banks at Volunteer Centre Caterham – 01883 344444 or email caterhamvc@ owen29.wanadoo.co.uk |