Croydon Council's notification to residents re. Lidl development in Hamsey Green |
- Published: Friday, 18 October 2013 08:17
- Generally meetings ofthe council’s planning committees take place at the Town Hall in Katherine Street (CR0 1NX) commencing at 6:30 pm (Please check your invite letter to ascertain the meeting start time). This procedure relates to the consideration ofa planning application that is reported on the “Planning Applications for Decision” part of the agenda.In exceptional circumstances, the procedure can be modified at the Chair's discretion.
- All of the individuals and organisations who have expressed views (by letter or email) on an application will be sent a letter that notifies them that the application will be considered by committee. The applicant (or his/her agent) will be sent a similar letter. A ward member who has referred the application to committee under the Members’ Referral Procedure will also be sent such a letter.
- For each planning application there are four separate slots of amaximum of three minutes each, allocated to objectors, the applicant (or his/her agent/representative/supporter), the MP/GLA member and ward members. The procedure at the committeefor considering each application shall be as follows:
- The planning application will be introduced by officers
- Through the chair, committee members may ask questions of clarification
- An objector (if registered to speak) can address the committee
- The applicant/agent or supporter (if registered to speak) can address the committee
- The MP/GLA member (if registered to speak) can address the committee
- The ward member(s) (if registered to speak) can address the committee
- Officers will present the report and introduce the main issues
- The committee will consider the item and reach a decision
- Requests to address a committee will not be accepted prior to the publication of the agenda.
- If you wish to address the committee then you must notify the committee clerk by 4pm on the Tuesday prior to the day of the meeting. All parties (objectors, applicants, MP/GLA members and ward members) must do this otherwise they may not be able to speak at the committee. Email or telephone should be used for this purpose:
- You should provide your name and contact details (email address and/or phone number) so that changes in arrangements can be communicated. In addition, if you agree, where more than one person has registered to speak contact details will be shared so that contact can be made to resolve either who will address the committee or how they will divide up the three minutes allocated to them.
- If you need special arrangements (such as an interpreter) you must bring this to the attention of the committee clerk when registering to speak so that arrangements can be put in place.
- On the night of the committee meeting, anyone (objectors, applicants, MP/GLA members and ward members) who has notified the committee clerk that they wish to address the committee must register their attendance at the Town Hall with the committee clerk at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts.
- Where more than one objector has registered to speak and the arrangements have not been resolved in advance, the committee clerk will inform the parties involved as they register so that they can decide either who will address the committee or how they will divide up the three minutes allocated to them. Objectors are expected to come to an agreement between themselves on this. Where objectors cannot come to an agreement, the chair will be notified of this through the committee clerk and the chair will decide who will be accorded the right to speak. Preference will normally be given to those who are potentially most affected by the planning application and particularly those closest to the application site. The chair may take advice from officers in making this decision. In order to ensure the most efficient progress of committee business on the evening, the decision of the chair will be communicated directly to the committee clerk. That decision will be final and not be the subject of further debate, including in the committee.
- Where the recommendation is for approval and no objector has registered to speak, the applicant will not be expected to address the committee unless there are matters that they disagree with in the committee report (including omissions) that they wish to bring to the committee’s attention.
- If both the qualifying Member of Parliament and the Greater London Assembly Member indicate that they wish to speak, they will share the 3 minute slot equally, unless they agree a different distribution of the time.
- If more than one ward member indicates that they wish to speak, they will share the 3 minute slot equally, unless they agree a different distribution of the time. If a ward member has registered to speak but is unable to attend the committee, they can nominate a substitute ward member to address the committee on their behalf.
- All those involved in public speaking are restricted to a verbal presentation only. The officers’ slide presentation is therefore not available for use by public speakers. The distribution of additional material or information to members of the committee is not permitted once the meeting starts. If a speaker, or any other member of the public, wishes to bring material to the committee’s attention they need to either supply it to officers, if it is written material, by noon on the day of committee to include in the Addendum Report or send it direct to members of the committee before the meeting
- Following the completion of a speaker’s address to the committee, that speaker shall take no further part in the proceedings of the meeting unless directed to do so by the chair of the committee.
- If speakers and other members of the public wish to leave the meeting after the item that they are interested has been determined, they should do so quickly and quietly so as to not disturb the meeting.
Address:The Good Companions, Limpsfield Road, South Croydon, CR2 9EA Application Number:13/00957/P Description:Erection of single storey building for use within class A1 (retail); closure of existing vehicular access onto Tithe Pit Shaw Lane; formation of vehicular access onto Limpsfield Road and provision of associated parking Name of Applicant: Lidl UK Gmbh
I refer to previous correspondence concerning the application described above. This application is due to be considered by thePlanning Committee at its meeting on24/10/2013 starting at the rise of Strategic Planning Committee, to start no earlier than 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, The Town Hall, Katharine Street, Croydon.
You or your representative are entitled to speak at the meeting. I attach below for your attention theProcedure for Participation at the Council's Planning Committees.
You can view the officers recommendation and report on the Council's web site by
The report and recommendation will be on our site for viewing on Thursday at noon of the week before the meeting. However, it is sometimes available earlier.
You may also see an Agenda at the Planning Reception desk on the ground floor of Bernard Weatherill House, Croydon between 8.30am and 4.45pm on Mondays to Fridays (except public holidays).
The recommendation for this application is Grant Permission.
or Phone: 020 8726 6000 ext 62326 or 62564