My aunt once confessed her secret yearning to dress up like Marie Lloyd and belt out a bawdy Music Hall number to a crowded theatre. "What a thrill at my age", she once said. How she would have embraced the ethos of The Arc, our local Arts and Recreation Complex that offers theatre, dance, art and play for all ages.
'By the community for the community' is a policy promoted by staff, supporters and volunteers.
"We really value our volunteers." Beth Wood, Artistic Director, told me during my recent visit. "We have some great people already, but we need more - there's so much we want to do!"
Volunteers are needed throughout the week. From assisting with the soft play area and helping at parties to designing posters and stuffing envelopes. Publicity material needs delivering and props require painting and fixing. You don't have to possess artistic talents, but if you do Beth will be delighted to put them to good use.
As a thank you, and because you will be part of The Arc 'family', volunteers are offered low cost or even free entrance to events and courses. Volunteers assisting with soft play can bring their own little ones to join in.
Do you know what? I bet my aunt would have been first in line for a pole dancing class!
For more information please ring me, Marion Piggott, at the Volunteer Centre, 01883 344444, email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or visit our website:
Alternatively, come along and meet us every first Friday of the month in Warlingham library 10.30 -11.30 a.m.