Well Autumn is upon us and the mornings are a wee bit crisper. Christmas is drawing inexorably nearer and of course our minds are turning to the more important things in many of our lives - namely X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing! These programmes are light hearted, family entertainment that offer fun and escapism. But what is it like in the real world, the world where we are beset with talk of double dip, spending cuts, benefit changes and rising unemployment? Whilst admittedly it is tough to get decent returns on cash deposits, other people have 'never had it so good'. We have had interest rates at 0.5% now for 18 months and this has provided a fantastic opportunity for many to pay off debt and continue to enjoy a quality lifestyle. For many now seems the time to get a great price on a car, TV or improve the home. We seem to have changed to a mindset of holidaying at home and looking for deals on a lot of things we previously just went out and bought. I think this search and newfound pursuit of value is a good thing for us and for the future. The so-called 'easy' life of fast credit is over and we need to be more disciplined with what we do - this I think makes us appreciate it more. But perhaps one of the biggest uncertainties remains the future direction of house prices. The problem I see, is that some people have become accustomed to low interest rates and they will of course rise. This may impact upon family budgets and cause issues - possibly damaging the fragile house market. When rates rise I would urge people to act quickly and seek advice from their lender to see if their deal is as competitive as it should be. Ideally all of our finances should have the X factor and deliver what we want and help achieve our goals. This is not always easy but it would help if we 'keep dancing' and be nimble, light footed and change to meet future challenges. For more financial advice call Kenley Financial on 020 8660 1533.