Cubs explore a piece of Caterham's heritage |
- Published: Friday, 27 May 2011 09:11
1st Caterham Cubs followed historical and environmental trails as they learned about the restoration project that has been going on in the middle of Surrey National Golf Course over the past two years. The troop gamely scrambled through undergrowth and climbed slippery slopes looking for headstones at the old St. Lawrence's Hospital burial ground, carrying out a litter pick as they went. A lot of work has been carried out at the burial ground since the Caterham Beavers visited last year. Two new memorials have been found, a new board telling visitors about the site has been installed and the boundary hedges have been pruned under the expert guidance of Sarah Clifford from the Downlands Countryside Management Project. The Cubs also benefited from Sarah’s passion for bugs as she had them sweeping the grass and combing the hedgerows for specimens. Liz Bonsall of the St. Lawrence's Hospital Burial Ground Restoration Project will be giving a talk about the history of the burial ground at| Caterham Valley Library on Wednesday 22nd June at 7pm as part of the Caterham Festival. There will also be a stand at the Caterham Carnival where local residents will be invited to share their memories of St Lawrence’s Hospital and its burial ground and where they can sign up to receive information about future working parties. |