An unemployed man from Uxbridge has been sentenced to 40-weeks in prison after he admitted stealing a watch worth £8,500 from a jewellers' in Oxted. Jake Foster, 20, of Blackhorse Place, admitted theft when he appeared at Guildford Crown Court on Friday, 10th June. On Friday, 30th April, 2010, Foster walked into Decorus, Station Road East, and asked to look at a ladies' Cartier watch. After the employee retrieved the 18-carat yellow-gold Cartier Panthere watch Foster stole it and ran out of the shop. Detective Constable Julie Graham said: "When confronted with the wealth of evidence against him Foster had no option but to admit his guilt. "I hope the victim, who has spent many years building up their business, is reassured by the sentence given to Foster. "Foster's sentence also sends a clear message to anyone thinking of coming into Surrey to commit crime that we will work hard to ensure offenders are brought before the courts and justice is done." Call 0845 125 2222 for all non-emergency policing matters. Call 999 if you have a genuine emergency requiring the attendance of the police (eg a crime is in progress or someone is in immediate danger). Call independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you have information about crime and don't want to leave your name.