Girl Guides lose camping equipment in burglary |
- Published: Friday, 17 June 2011 10:19
1st Chaldon Guides have been counting the cost of a break-in to their equipment shed when thieves stole items valued at approximately £3,500. The thieves visited the premises twice, first during the night of Saturday 11th June when they broke into the hut by using bolt-cutters to break the lock. Nothing was taken, but the contents were disturbed and the shed left in disarray. On discovering the break-in on Sunday, the mess was cleaned up by the Guide Leaders and Guides and the lock replaced, only for the thieves to return the following night to steal valuable equipment. Anne-Marie Smith has been the Guider in Charge at the Unit for the last ten years and is devastated at the theft after all the fundraising her girls have done to purchase the camping and cooking equipment. Helen Curran, District Commissioner for Caterham and Chaldon Guides said: "The shed is where the Guides keep their tents, camping equipment and outdoor play things and the thieves took anything of any value at all, especially metal things like the marquee poles and pots and pans. The thieves stole our cooking tent and first aid tent and without the poles, our marquee is useless. It will cost £1,500 to replace. The Chaldon Guides are one of the most active groups in the district - they are always out in the community raising money by bag-packing in supermarkets, for example, to raise money for their summer camp." If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of replacing the stolen equipment, please call Anne-Marie Smith on 07985 442429. |