The Tandridge Community Fund says 'Thank you' |
- Published: Wednesday, 24 August 2011 20:17
Over 400 people attended the Classic Concert held at David Gold's house last month, raising £5,000 for the Fund. We were pleased that the weather stayed fine and dry, even if it did get a little cool late in the evening! We thank David for the use of his grounds and Richard Stilgoe for compering the concert. We also thank all the volunteers without whom we could not have managed. The second source of funding was from the Waitrose store in Oxted. Their 'Community Matters' programme raised £125 for the Fund. We would like to thank Waitrose, who made the donation, and their customers who indicated who should receive the funding. The Tandridge Community Fund has now reached a point where the interest it has earned has enabled us to make contributions to five local groups. In March we presented cheques to the Godstone at Play and Oxtedbased Stepping Stones charities. We also made three cheque presentations at the Classic Concert to Age Concern, Oxted; the Baby Café, de Stafford School; and Ross Stevenson to assist him with a musical career. However we are not sittingback - we are still working to reach our initial target of £100,000. Help us to help the community! For more information or to make a donation, call Mike on 01883 713322. |