C.H.E.C.K. volunteers help out in Kimilili |
- Published: Wednesday, 24 August 2011 20:59
The charities C.O.A.T. and C.H.E.C.K. support the work back in the UK by organising events to fund the projects. Speaking about the work carried out on the latest trip, Geraint said: "We managed to get loads done while we were there - our group worked really hard to get as much done as possible in a short time. I spent a lot of time teaching, but also supervised the projects. My hands were really soft compared to everyone else's at the end of the trip!" The group worked on five separate projects in Kimilili with the help of the town's residents. Amongst the projects was the constuction of a new kitchen in Kimilili Girls' Primary School, a pig sty at St. Luke's Boys' Secondary School and a new toilet block at St. Theresa's Girls' Secondary School. The children's ward of the hospital was cleaned and the walls painted while the children were placed outside under the trees for the frantic seven hours it took to complete the task. The group also handed out clothes, blankets and toys that had been donated by friends and family back in the UK. In Geraint's evaluation of the trip, one of the group stated: "It was a fantastic experience to be involved in and we fell in love with Kimilili!" A full account of the projects can be viewed by clicking here. View our Photo Gallery for more photographs from the trip. |