Council considers changes to rubbish and recycling service |
- Published: Friday, 18 November 2011 10:28
The Committee recommended the Council consider introducing, from 1st October 2012, a revised service which includes the collection of: Food waste from a container once a week from the edge of the property. Mixed recycling from a wheeled bin once a fortnight from the edge of the property. Residual waste once a fortnight from the rear of properties. These changes would result in significant annual savings of up to £1m a year for the Council in the cost of providing the service. Currently the rubbish and recycling service is provided by Biffa, as part of a 14 year contract. The changes being considered would be implemented as part of a seven year review clause, which gives the opportunity to make changes to the service, as well as to identify possible savings. A recent survey was carried out in which over 4,000 households were randomly selected to take part. The results showed the great majority of residents were in favour of initiatives to increase recycling and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. The final decision is subject to Council approval on 19 January 2011 Councillor Tony Elias, Chairman of the Community Services Committee, said: "In considering the options for the service we have taken residents' views into account and are pleased they are keen to increase recycling. We believe we can continue to provide an efficient and effective rubbish and recycling service, by providing a more convenient way to recycle for residents, while keeping the popular back door residual waste collection and generating significant savings." |