A taste of summer came to town when The Caterham and District Horticultural Society held their Annual Summer Show on Saturday 7th July. The show at Hillcroft School, Chaldon Road, Caterham exhibited a wide range of home-made and home-grown produce including flowers, vegetables and cakes as well as a display of artwork. The event was very well attended, with people of all ages turning up to admire the displays and enjoy the refreshments before the presentation of cups and awards. After the awards the produce was auctioned off to raise money for the Society.
Barbara Hoosen, Honorary Secretary of the Society said: “The show has gone really well and the cookery entries and hanging baskets are especially good. The Brownies entered for the first time this year and their A prize-winning display of begonias. Photo by Emma Berry. table display is so good that it will be going on display in the library after the show.” Jacky Hughes, Vice Chairman of the Society said: “There’s been a good turnout and a very high standard of entries. We’ve also had lots more people coming to see their own entries on display, which is nice.”

Preparations are now under way for the Autumn Show on Saturday 8th September which could be the Society's last show. Society member, Helen Moulsley, explained: “We are delighted that the Summer Show was so well supported by entrants and by the general public. However, the Autumn Show may be our last for a while as we urgently need more helpers for the shows and our other activities.”
If you would like more information about Caterham Horticultural Society please contact Helen Moulsley on 01883 340093 or via the website at www.caterhamdistricthorticulturalsoc. weebley.com.