Michelin Man visits Oasis Academy |
- Published: Tuesday, 19 March 2013 16:49
Years 11, 12 & 13 were mesmerized by an award-winning road-safety and driving awareness workshop by Steve Wright of the Puppet Broadcasting Company, sponsored by Michelin Tyres plc.
Initially sceptical when Steve produced a sock puppet at the start of his hour-long show, the 15-18 year old students were soon laughing and fully captivated by the master puppeteer "from up North" who delivered a highly entertaining, fact-filled production. There was a roar of disbelief when Steve introduced the real stars of the show, his life-sized puppets 'Bez, Flik, Shifty and Saggy! Students learnt sobering facts about the high rates of road accidents and deaths for young people in the 17-34 age range.
The dangers of texting and wearing headphones whilst crossing the road were highlighted as a major cause of road accidents as many young people are so engrossed in their music and mobiles they simply don't follow the basic rule of looking to see if it's safe before they cross the road. Students also learnt about the financial costs involved if they have an accident and of course, the potential for the tragic loss of a young life through reckless driving.
At a time when many of the students are either driving or thinking of starting to learn, they watched a series of short road safety films featuring the puppets, about responsible driving and how to have the courage to speak out if they are a passenger in a car, or knows someone, who drives irresponsibly.
The workshop ended with girls v. boys road safety quiz and a special guest appearance from The Michelin Man!
Carmen Patel, Head of Year 11 said: "Year 11 students had many pre-conceived ideas about what the presentation would include on the topic Road Safety. When they had experienced 5 minutes from the presenter, these ideas were smashed based on his use of language, his rapport with the age group, a sense of humour, the pace and rigour of the ideas and activities. He had the year 11 students involved, animated, interested and focussed on the serious topic of Driving Safely , making life changing decisions and being informed. It was a truly inspirational, personal and topical session for our 15 / 18 year old students."