Warlingham pupils do the 'Oompah Loompah'! |
- Published: Friday, 22 March 2013 11:36
On Thursday 7th March, Warlingham Park School children dressed up as their favourite Roald Dahl character in aid of World Book Day. The aim of the day was to inspire pupils to learn about one of the most successful children's writers of our time, Roald Dahl. In preparation for the day, each class had read one of Roald Dahl's books. Head Teacher, Mr Mike Donald started the day by leading the school in a costume parade. Some children were dressed as Matilda, witches, Willy Wonka and foxes. Pre-school and infant children were taught the 'oompa lumpa' dance by 'oompa lumpa' dressed teachers. The children learned the routine and were able to make up their own moves to include at the end of the dance. In the afternoon, the juniors created and performed Roald Dahl gymnastics. Each class was given a Wonka Bar to share to thank them for their efforts throughout the day. Mike Donald, Head Teacher of Warlingham Park School said: "Combining role play with literature is an excellent way of bringing fiction to life." |