Members of the Caterham Community Partnership (CCP) have been sorting through the 220 questionnaires completed by members of the public about the forthcoming improvements to 'The Square' in Caterham Valley. The questionnaires were available at displays of the scheme at venues in Caterham-onthe- Hill and Caterham Valley during two weeks in February. The improvements, that involve removal of some of the railings, the installation of planters, resurfacing of the road and pavements and new street lighting are scheduled to take place this summer. When asked if they agreed that Caterham was shabby, 90.46% of the respondants said 'Yes', and 80.46% said that they thought the proposals would improve the appearance of the town. 78% said that they would support extending the proposals to other parts of Caterham.
Many helpful comments were made in the questionnaires, some expressing their views on the improvements and others suggesting other ways to improve the town. A large proportion of the respondants expressed the desire to see something done about the old Rose & Young car showroom in Croydon Road.
Nigel Wilkinson of the CCP commented: "We are pleased that the vast majority of the respondants said they approve of the improvements being made to The Square. The questionnaire results confirmed the response of the original 'A Better Caterham' healthcheck and shows we are moving in the right direction. The additional comments will help us when planning the next stage of our 'Shabby to Smart' initiative. Regarding the Rose & Young building, we are aware of what a high priority it is for the residents of Caterham. We are keeping an eye on the situation and exploring the options available. That is all we are in a position to say at present."
For more information go to www.caterhamabc.org.uk