On Saturday 22nd May over 100 local elderly residents were treated to a delicious lunch and entertainment at Caterham Rotary's annual 'Reachout' event at the Douglas Brunton Centre in Chaldon Road, Caterhamon- the-Hill.
Reachout was started by George Edwards of Caterham Rotary Club 20 years ago, so that elderly people could get out of the house and enjoy some good food, company and entertainment for an afternoon. Rotary honoured him with the Paul Harris award for starting Reachout. George passed away 17 years ago but his widow Mary continues to support the event alongside many other Rotary wives.
"George loved Rotary and he would be so thrilled to see that Reachout is still going after 20 years," said Mary.
After lunch the guests were treated to entertainment from 'And-Duo' a local jazz duo and an accordian session by Brian Hall. The afternoon ended with a sing-a-long led by the Rotary Club mixed ensemble, before the guests were driven back to their homes.