Residents in Beechwood Road and Farningham Road are registering their opposition to a proposed development of 67 flats on the site of the old Adult Education Centre in Beechwood Road, Caterham Valley. The proposed development would be three stories high – four metres higher than the Victorian dwellings facing the site. Some of the residents received a letter from the council notifying them of the proposed development a few days ago. The letter was dated 30th July and gives residents 21 days to register their opposition.
Beechwood Road resident, Peter Jones, said: “We are all opposing this development quite vociferously. The flats will not be in keeping with the area at all. They will be too high and will only have one parking space each for the two-three bedroomed flats. It will make parking around here very difficult, especially on Sundays when people come to the Baptist Church. We already have more than enough flats in Caterham. It would be far more appropriate to put houses on the site which is what the majority of people want to buy.”
Residents soon discovered that the majority of the surrounding homes had not received the letter from the council about the proposed development, so they have been leafleting the local area bringing the Planning Application to everyone's attention.
Another Beechwood Road resident, Suzanne Carroll, said: “It's as if the council don't want people to know about it. They failed to send letters to many residents and the Planning Application Notice on the site is partially obscured. And they sent out the letter in August when a lot of people are away. I am particularly worried about the trees which have a preservation order on them. Developers can still chop them down provided they pay a fine and plant new trees.”
Yesterday, Thursday 12th August, a notice was put up in Beechwood Road to notify them of the closure of the road from the 16th August when the installation of a new electricity supply to the site will commence.
Residents have until 21st August to respond to the Planning Application. To view the Planning Application and to send in objections go to the Tandridge District Council website, www.tandridge.gov.uk/planning/ and view application number TA/: 2010/704. The plans can also be viewed at the library in Stafford Road or at the council offices in Oxted.