Soper Hall decision postponed until June |
- Published: Wednesday, 26 January 2011 18:45
At a meeting on Monday 24th January, the Resources Committee of Tandridge District Council ('TDC') decided to defer its decision about the future of the Soper Hall in Caterham until June. In a statement issued after the meeting TDC said: "The options regarding the Soper Hall included transferring the building to either the Soper Hall Community Centre Ltd. ('SHCCL') or Caterham Baptist Church. Both of these options would make the hall available for community use. TDC has agreed to provide up to £100,000 matched funding over two years to either organisation, to help with a transfer and on the understanding the Caterham and Warlingham Citizens Advice Bureau, Tandridge Voluntary Service Council and Lions Talking Newspaper would continue to be based at the building. "The Committee decided more information is needed before a final decision is made to ensure whatever happens is in the best interests of the local community. More details will be requested around the resilience and robustness of the SHCCL's business plan and clarification of the Church's proposals for community use and any restrictions it may place on users." The decision came as a disappointment to the Soper Hall Group, who, as the SHCCL, put forward a comprehensive plan for a multifunction community centre. Chairman of the Soper Hall Group Graham Tapley said, "This is not only extremely disappointing for the Group, but also for the many residents of Caterham who have shown their support. Our main message was 'Support the asset transfer of the building to a Community Group, for the widest possible benefit of the community'." Caterham Baptist Church is looking for new premises to develop its activities as its Beechwood Road site is not large enough. While the building would be primarily used for church activities, it would also accommodate other users of the building and community use. TDC said: "Each group will be invited to a special challenge session to discuss their proposals in more depth with the Chairman of the Resources Committee, Councillor Martin Fisher, the Vice-Chairman, Councillor Simon Ainsworth, the Chief Executive, Stephen Weigel and other council officers. In addition, Surrey County Council has approached TDC and would like to explore the potential for setting up a public services Hub in the building, similar to the one in Oxted." Chairman of the Resources Committee, Councillor Martin Fisher, said: "We are looking for the best solution for the community and the Council, so we need to consider the proposals in more depth at the challenge sessions before we make a final decision. I am pleased the debate at last night's meeting had cross party support. While it is not financially viable for the Council to keep the building as it is, we must make sure that the outcome benefits our residents." Caterham resident, Tandridge District Councillor and member of the Soper Hall Group, Michael Cooper said: "TDC has £80,000 which should have been spent on the maintenance of the Soper Hall, but the council has spent none of it on the building. They have allowed it to get dilapidated and spent nothing on advertising its facilities for at least two years, which is why it is so difficult to hire out." Graham Tapley added: "We backed up our bid with a comprehensive and detailed 91 page business plan which we worked exceptionally hard to produce, within a very tight timescale set by the Council in mid-October, and delivered by mid December. We believe the report complied with all that was required by the Council including internal building work, potential new uses and users, cash flow, management and funding sources. "As it was a closed committee meeting, held in secret, and with a County Councillor and District Councillor asked to leave the chamber, we do not know what further information is required, but undoubtedly strong community support is a major factor in seizing this unique opportunity of getting a truly vibrant community centre for use, by all. The reason for such secrecy on a matter of great local public and community interest is baffling." The group has vowed to continue its campaign to 'Save the Soper Hall'. For more information about the group go to |