De Stafford pupils support Soper Hall campaign |
- Published: Friday, 04 February 2011 11:20
At a Resources Committee meeting earlier this month, the council decided to defer its decision about the future of the Soper Hall until June. Other options for the hall include transferring the building to Caterham Baptist Church who are looking for larger premises, or selling the building to property developers. Members of the school's 'de Stafford Democracy Group' have started their own petition to save the hall for future generations. Chris Windridge, Chairman of the Caterham Community Partnership, said: 'We are really pleased that the de Stafford Pupils have come along to show their support for saving the Soper Hall for future generations. We shall continue to rally support from the community until June, when the Council has said it will make its decision." For more information about the Soper Hall Action Group, go to |