Core Strength and Balance |
- Published: Wednesday, 24 August 2011 19:47
X-T.R.E.M.E. Training Good balance requires 'core strength' - a term that refers to the strength and stability around your abdominal, lower back and hip muscles. A lot of exercise incorporates twisting and rotating and core strength plays a critical part in controlling your everyday movements. The stronger your core, the easier it will be to perform better posture and for some more challenging manoeuvres it will also help reduce the risk of injury. Next time you are training try these exercises with a stability ball or Swiss ball. Russian Twist Lie on a stability ball with your feet on the floor, knees at right angles. The ball should be nestled around your shoulder blade area. Keep your abdominals pulled in to support your back which helps to engage your core. Hold a weight plate/medicine ball above your head and roll to the side until the tip of your shoulder is on the ball, and then repeat with the other side. Stability Ball Bridge Support your weight with your toes on the ground and placing your forearms on the ball, creating a bridge with your body. To increase the intensity, instead of using your forearms place your hands on the ball as though you were doing a push up. Draw in your abdominals towards your spine and hold this throughout the exercise for a specific time. Add these to your training programme, and you will improve your core and your balance. If you have any questions concerning health and fitness get in touch with me on 07745 946748. |